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The BIGNUMS Library is confusing and kind of hard, here is a tutorial:



The blocks that are included in the BIGNUMS Library are:

USE BIGNUMS <> :: operators - Enables/disables BIGNUMS.

(() ! :: operators) - The factorial function, to make very large numbers, to demo bignums.

([] :: operators) - The identity function: reports its input.

(Scheme number [ V] of () :: operators) - Provides Scheme arithmetic functions not in JavaScript


BIGNUMS can be enabled with the USE BIGNUMS <> :: operators block,

and used with the (() ! :: operators) block.

As a library, BIGNUMS is incompatible with some existing blocks, especially if using exact rational or complex numbers. One common fix is to use (Scheme number [inexact V] of [] :: operators) when using them, but that will cause a loss of precision.

Examples of (() ! :: operators)

((100) ! :: operators) (equal to 9.33262154439441e+157 if disabled, [result 1] if enabled)

((200) ! :: operators) (equal to Infinity if disabled)

((500) ! :: operators) (equal to Infinity if disabled)

((1000) ! :: operators) (equal to Infinity if disabled)

  1. 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000